
Below is a selection of videos from the Coffin Works, covering topics such as Royal Funerals, Victorian Funerals, Shrouds, Handles and more.

Film 1 | The Making of A Company

Film 2 | Royal Funerals

Film 3 | The End of Era

Film 4.1 | Origins of Trade

Film 4.2 | Fashions of the Day

Film 4.3 | Men & Women’s Coffin Furniture

Film 4.4 | The Victorian funeral

Film 5 | Newman Bros. First Trade Catalogue

Film 6 | Shrouds and Soft Goods

Film 7 | Memories of Miss Green

Film 8 | Gothic Handles

Film 1 | The Making of A Company

Film 2 | Royal Funerals

Film 3 | The End of Era

Film 4.1 | Origins of Trade

Film 4.2 | Fashions of the Day

Film 4.3 | Men & Women’s Coffin Furniture

Film 4.4 | The Victorian funeral

Film 5 | Newman Bros. First Trade Catalogue

Film 6 | Shrouds and Soft Goods

Film 7 | Memories of Miss Green

Film 8 | Gothic Handles