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Lesson Plans KS2 & KS3
To help you navigate the archive and to see how it might be used, we have devised ten lesson plans which relate to our themes; commerce, women, industry and manufacturing, Victorians, death and people. Links to the suggested resources you will need to deliver these lessons are provided on this page. These include links to films, objects in the archive and their interpretation, downloadable proformas, flashcards, resource packs and activity sheets.

Lesson Plan 1
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To explore a variety of objects
- Discuss the students’ ideas and get them to provide justifications for them
- Use the clues to make predictions
- Ask questions related to an object
- Work cooperatively in a small group
- Feed ideas back to a large group
- Internet access to watch video material
- Chromebooks/Ipads
- Object Proforma
- Images of the objects in the case – or/and the images in the Student Pages
Suggested Activities
- Watch ‘The Collector of Curious Things’ film
- Divide the students into small groups and give them one object per group (or let them pick groups based on curiosity!). Images are available as downloads or can be viewed in the Student Pages
- Each group can complete an Object Proforma for their object (following the example of the Collector of Curious Things in the film)
- Questions to ask: What do we think these objects were used for? How are the objects connected? What questions do we want answered?
- Feedback as class and consolidate ideas
- Record answers for follow up work
- Use Ipads/Chromebooks and Enter Newman’s Factory of Curiosity via the Interactive Graphic to look for answers. Click on the object you have been considering which takes you through to a page about it
- Record new information. Feedback as class.
Lesson Plan 2
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To place Newman Brothers on a map and in history
- Find a location on a map
- Identify transport links and popular landmarks
- Order events on a timeline
- Work cooperatively in a small group
- Chromebooks/Ipads/Internet
- Online map of Jewellery Quarter – with zoom and landmarks https://jewelleryquarter.net/points-of-interest/
- History Timeline. Best print to A3
- Toilet roll
- Background text http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/uncategorised/origins-of-birminghams-jewellery-quarter/
Suggested Activities
- Locate Newman Brothers on a map
- Where is it located?
- What transport links are nearby?
- What other landmarks are nearby?
- Complete Timeline Activity
(You could roll out a toilet roll in the hall! Each piece representing 10 years. 10 pieces would therefore represent a century). Cut out the timeline and place the timeline cards onto the loo roll.
- World History
- Birmingham History
- Newman Brothers History
Lesson Plan 3
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To identify the similarities and differences between Newman Brothers clients
- Locate places on a map
- Identify similarities and differences between Newman Brothers’ clients
- Discuss the variables that may have affected Newman Brothers’ businesses in other countries
Suggested Activities
- Introduce the travelling salesmen at Newman Brothers. Identify Arthur Allen and Dai Davies and the roles that they had in the factory http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/the-travelling-salesmen/
- Using the salesmen’s expense receipts identify some of the places in the UK that they visited
- Newman Brothers also sold their products overseas. Using the sales ledger pack, identify on the world map the countries that Newman Brothers sold to. What do their sales abroad tell us about the company?
- Can you find any connection between cancelled orders and world events?
- Discuss the similarities and differences between the areas that Newman brothers sold to
Focus on: Religion, the Commonwealth, climate and funeral traditions
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Commerce theme
Lesson Plan 4
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To discuss the meaning behind symbols in the past and present
- Identify common themes across Newman Brothers products
- Create a product range for the factory, updated for the present day
- Work cooperatively in a small group
Suggested Activities
- Look at samples of Newman Brothers catalogues http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/catalogue-pages/
- Identify the common shapes and themes among the different objects
- As a class discuss the possible meanings behind common symbols (e.g. flowers = new life)
- Working in groups get students to discuss the symbols that they see in their own lives (related to religion, culture, popular culture, sports, etc.)
- Working in groups, the children will design a new page for a Newman Brothers catalogue using the symbols they identified from their own lives
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Death theme

Lesson Plan 5
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To explore the link between Newman Brothers and their famous clientele
- Write a recount of Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral
- Explain why Newman Brothers were considered to be the best of the best
- Describe the range of coffin fittings supplied by Newman Brothers
Suggested Activities
- Show pictures of famous people who have had their coffin fittings provided by Newman Brothers. As a class explore what they have in common
- Watch Royal Funeral Movie http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/media/
- Explore the Churchill handle section
- Describe the Churchill handle using the 5 senses. http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/churchill-handle/
- What do you think made Newman Brothers’ products the best? Why do you think they were such a popular company?
- Write a newspaper recount about Winston Churchill’s funeral

Lesson Plan 6
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To explore the stamping process
- Explain how the stamping process works
- Identify the risks associated with the stamping process
- Create a Health & Safety poster that gives practical advice
- http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/stamp-shop/
- How to make a breast plate at Newman Brothers
- Extract from former drop stamper at newman brothers (video links above)
- Internet access
- Films in the archive (see Suggested Activities)
- Dr Allen remembers the noise of the Stamp Room and those who worked there in the 1930s. https://vimeo.com/241037164
Suggested Activities
- How were the coffin fittings made at Newman Brothers?
- Explore the stamping process and the risks associated with it (crushed fingers, lopsided muscles due to overuse, hearing loss)
- Watch this film of a young Anthony Allen who used to visit his father at work during the 1930s. He explains how the drop stamps and other machinery worked and the associated dangers https://vimeo.com/259078453
- Watch these films featuring the last drop stamper at Newman Brothers talking about his boss – also a drop stamper in the factory https://vimeo.com/240197506 https://vimeo.com/240197644
- Watch video of the Drop Stamp in action at Newman Brothers https://vimeo.com/152138907
- Have the children create a Health & Safety poster for the Stamp Room
- Watch a film about all the different types of manufacturing processes that took place at Newman Brothers – filmed in a modern day factory https://vimeo.com/109741660
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Industry and Manufacturing theme

Lesson Plan 7
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To explore the stamping process
- Describe a Victorian funeral
- Explain the differences and similarities between a Victorian and contemporary funeral
- Explore the reasons behind the high child mortality rates during the Victorian Era
- Write a poem as a class
- Internet access
- DiamantePoemProforma
- Pictures of child coffin handles http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/childrens-coffin-handles/
- Watch film about different faiths and their funerary traditions https://vimeo.com/109821594
Suggested Activities
- Watch Video ‘The Victorian Funeral’ https://vimeo.com/172808069 and ‘Victorian Mourning’ https://vimeo.com/200889739 What are our funerals like now? How are they similar and different?
- Complete a Venn Diagram displaying the overlap and differences between modern and Victorian funerals
- As a class write an Antonym Diamante Poem
- Look at pictures of child handles
- Explore some of the reasons behind the high mortality rates during the Victorian era and the changes that have occurred since then that have helped to lower the rates (children don’t work, social care system, NHS, updated medication, etc.)
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Victorians theme

Lesson Plan 8
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To research the changing role of the women who worked at Newman Brothers
- Explore the different jobs that women were recruited to do during WWI
- Identify a few of the main female employees at Newman Brothers
- Explore the ways in which the women at Newman Brothers fought for their rights
- Write a diary entry as one of the women who worked at Newman Brothers
Points for Discussion
- Explore the quote ‘Woman made up half of the workforce at Newman Brothers and operated in key managerial roles’. Why is that an important piece of Newman Brothers’ history? How does that contribute to the specialness of the factory? Was that common during the time that the factory was open?
- Look at the types of jobs carried out in the factory. Which ones were done by women?
- Was there any difference in pay between the different types of workers, or between men and women?
- Look at the lives and roles of a couple of the women in the factory (Joyce Green, Elizabeth Weaving and Dolly Dunsby). What would work and daily life have been like for these women?
- What did these women do when faced with difficulties? How did they fight for their rights?
Suggested Activity
- Write a diary as one of the main female employees at Newman Brothers. It is the last day before the factory closed in 1999. What would they be expecting to miss? What would they be looking forward to? What would they see and hear on their last day? How do they feel about leaving Newman Brothers?
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Women theme

Lesson Plan 9
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To complete an in-depth study on Joyce Green- Identify the characteristics that made Joyce Green a formidable businesswoman
- Identify the main events of Joyce Green’s life
- Complete a biography on Joyce Green
- Explore the difficulties that Joyce Green faced in her working life.
- Internet Access
- Profile of two female workers at Newman Brothers (Joyce Green and Dolly Dunsby)
- http://www.archive.coffinworks.org/objects/joyce-green/
- Joyce Green Percentage of Company Shares
- Oral History Film Extracts – Joyce Green
Suggested Activity
- Introduce Joyce Green and the work that she did for Newman Brothers
- Watch the videos ‘Joyce Green talking about getting her job as a manager’ https://vimeo.com/240197300, ‘Joyce Green talks about the high-quality Newman Brothers’ products’ https://vimeo.com/240197764 and ‘Joyce Green talks about the death of the coffin furniture trade.’ https://vimeo.com/240197836
- What qualities did Joyce Green have that made her a good manager?
- Complete a biography of Joyce Green
More information
Also look at resources and curriculum links in relation to the Women theme
and Commerce theme

Lesson Plan 10
Learning Objectives / Success Criteria
To consolidate your knowledge on Newman Brothers
- List the reasons why Newman Brothers closed
- Explain the journey that Newman Brothers took from factory to museum
- Discuss the importance of restoration and heritage work
Suggested Activity
- Watch film ‘The End of the Era’ https://vimeo.com/172808073
- Using the graphs as evidence and what you know about the workforce, discuss the reasons you think Newman Bros. went out of business?
- Do you think Joyce Green made the right decision to close Newman Brothers?
- Joyce Green’s greatest hope was to save Newman Brothers for future generations. What legacy has she left?
- Explore the Newman Brothers’ journey from factory to museum
- What do you think makes Newman Brothers/Coffin Works special? Do you think the factory needed to be saved for future generations? Why or why not?